Different types of Product Managers

Discover the many facets of Product Management with various types of Product Managers specializing in tech, growth, and more.

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How to connect your integrations to your CRM platform?

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Commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar

Techbit is the next-gen CRM platform designed for modern sales teams

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  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti venenatis
  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa at in tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti consectetur
Why using the right CRM can make your team close more sales?

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If you’ve worked in a tech company on the engineering or product team, chances are you’ve worked closely with a Product Manager (PM). PM’s come in different shapes and sizes, with varied competencies. 

While there is no one prescribed PM type for success, there are many skills that a good PM must possess.

Here are a few types I’ve had the fortune of working with:

  • The Design PM
  1. The design PM is right-brained with a knack of getting dirty with mockups, wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes. They typically tend to be early adopters of products, reverse engineering both hardware and software products. It’s best to hire a design PM if you are building a hardware product or a software company with a high aesthetic bar - think video editing or presentation software.
  • The mini-CEO PM
  1. The mini-CEO PM is great with strategy with a knack of understanding pricing and GTM. They typically tend to be from consulting backgrounds with a history of doing M&A or perhaps working in venture-capital. It’s best to hire a mini-CEO if you are a company trying to figure out your 2nd act. They could either be ex-founders who understand a particular market really well and tend to be visionary.
  • The excel-jock PM
  1. The excel-jock PM is a numbers person with a knack of building various excel models for finance and general capital allocation. Excel-jock PM’s come from a finance or consulting background, with experience in the financial side of M&A. It’s best to hire an excel-jock PM if you are building a gaming company that has economics at the heart of game design (buy and sell side of digital goods). Excel-jock PM’s tend to do well at marketplaces and e-commerce companies as well.
  • The engineer turned PM
  1. The engineer turned PM understands the complexity of building software well and can estimate projects accurately. They can build working MVP’s with code rather than high fidelity prototypes. You should hire engineers turned PM’s if you are building high-tech products or for engineering teams - dev ops, infrastructure or ML products since they understand the needs of these customers well.
  • The Project Manager PM
  1. The Project manager PM is good at administration and running the show. They have a knack of rallying engineers to get the job done and deliver software on time. They are also good with tooling like Jira and Asana and keep the momentum humming. If you are a large established company with a steady roadmap that requires consistency, Project manager PM’s are the way to go.

Hiring the right PM type is key to building great products and execution. As a company scales, it’s important founders hire PM’s to execute on their vision. 

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