Transport Management System (TMS) Dashboard: Templates & Examples

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Recent studies show that nearly 35% of businesses use the Transportation Management System (TMS) dashboards to manage their transportation networks.

Why the shift? It's a straightforward equation of efficiency and savings. Imagine gaining immediate access to real-time tracking, cost-effective route optimization, and an upgrade to your logistics network. This dashboard is the key to unlocking these benefits. But what's in it for you? Picture a tool that serves as your compass for data-driven decision-making. It goes beyond monitoring performance metrics and offers a clear visual representation of supply chain insights, empowering you to boost operational efficiency tangibly.

The TMS dashboard is more than a tool; it's a professional, simplified solution poised to revolutionize transportation management. 

It seamlessly bridges the gap between data and action and provides a clear path to improved logistics performance. 

In this guide, we will talk about TMS and how you can leverage it to make informed decisions with insightful data at your fingertips.

What is a transport management system dashboard?

A Transport Management System (TMS) dashboard is a visual tool that consolidates and presents key metrics relevant to your business's logistics and transportation operations.

It centralizes real-time monitoring and analysis, providing a comprehensive view of your supply chain and delivery processes.

A TMS dashboard is a crucial tool for your business, aiding in efficient decision-making and strategic planning. 

It allows you to stay agile in responding to dynamic market conditions and customer demands by harnessing the power of data visualization.

See it in action
Transport Management Dashboard

Why do you need a TMS Dashboard? 

Efficiency and Visibility:

Efficiency is crucial for successful transportation management, and a TMS dashboard offers real-time tracking and monitoring capabilities. 

You gain insights into your transportation activities, identify bottlenecks, optimize routes, and ensure peak efficiency in your logistics network.

Cost Savings:

One primary reason for adopting a TMS dashboard is the potential for cost savings. 

By analyzing data provided through the dashboard, you can pinpoint areas for cost reduction through route optimization, fuel efficiency improvements, or better load planning. 

This data-driven approach enhances your overall financial performance.

Operational Streamlining:

Operational excellence is a crucial goal for your transportation-focused business. 

A TMS dashboard aids in streamlining operations by providing you with a holistic view of the supply chain. 

You can identify redundancies, optimize workflows, and implement changes to enhance overall efficiency in your transportation operations through data analysis.

Customer Satisfaction Enhancement:

Elevate your customer satisfaction game by leveraging the TMS dashboard. 

Real-time visibility enables you to proactively manage potential delays, optimize delivery routes, and provide accurate delivery estimates. 

This enhanced customer experience contributes not only to satisfaction but also to the positive reputation of your business.

Environmental Impact Reduction:

Contribute to sustainability goals using the TMS dashboard to optimize your routes, reduce fuel consumption, and minimize carbon emissions. 

It aligns with environmental responsibility and positions your business as a socially conscious player in the market.

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What Can You Learn from the Transport Management System Dashboard?

Data-driven Decision Making:

The heart of a TMS dashboard lies in its ability to facilitate your data-driven decision-making. 

By presenting critical data in a visual format, the dashboard empowers you to make informed choices based on real-time insights. 

This results in a more agile and responsive approach to managing your transportation operations.

Supply Chain Insights:

Understanding the intricacies of your supply chain is paramount for successful transportation management. 

A TMS dashboard offers comprehensive insights into the supply chain dynamics, from procurement to final delivery. 

You can identify areas of improvement, enhance collaboration with suppliers, and ultimately create a more resilient and responsive supply chain.

Related Read: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Supply Chain Analytics

Operational Performance:

Monitoring and enhancing your operational performance is a continuous process.

A TMS dashboard provides the tools to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) related to on-time deliveries, route efficiency, and other critical metrics. 

This ongoing performance analysis allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and improve operational processes.

Resource Optimization:

Optimize the utilization of your resources, including vehicles, drivers, and warehouse facilities. 

The TMS Dashboard offers visibility into resource allocation, enabling you to identify inefficiencies, reduce idle time, and ensure you utilize assets to their full potential.

Customer Behavior Analysis:

Analyze customer behavior patterns related to delivery preferences and timing. 

This insight enables you to tailor your transportation strategies to align with customer expectations and enhance their experience.

The Important KPIs for TMS Dashboards

On-Time Delivery:

On-time delivery is a foundational KPI for your transportation management. 

The TMS dashboard tracks the percentage of your deliveries made on schedule, allowing you to identify patterns and trends that may impact delivery timelines. 

This KPI is crucial for meeting customer expectations and maintaining a positive reputation in the market.

Cost per Mile:

The cost per mile is a vital financial metric that helps you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of your transportation operations. 

By analyzing this KPI, you can identify areas where costs are disproportionately high and implement strategies to optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, and improve transportation efficiency.

Inventory Levels:

Optimal inventory levels are critical for efficient supply chain operations. 

A Transportation Management System (TMS) dashboard can connect with your inventory management systems, offering insights into stock levels at various stages.

Maintaining an optimal inventory ensures that your products are available when needed while minimizing excess stock and reducing carrying costs.

Carrier Performance:

Assess the performance of your carriers based on criteria such as on-time delivery, adherence to service level agreements (SLAs), and overall reliability. 

Monitor your carriers to maintain strong partnerships with reliable service providers.

Fill Rate:

Maximize the use of available space in each shipment. A high fill rate ensures efficient use of transportation capacity, leading to cost savings and environmental sustainability.

Order Cycle Time:

Track the time it takes for your orders to be processed, picked, packed, and delivered. Optimize order cycle time to enhance your operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

TMS Dashboard Templates with Samples and Examples

Explore the possibilities with Databrain's sample Transportation Management System (TMS) dashboard designed just for you. See firsthand how it simplifies transportation management, making it easier and efficient for businesses like yours. 

Databrain Sample Dashboard Overview:

Databrain offers a sample TMS dashboard as an illustrative example of how businesses can benefit from this technology. 

This sample dashboard showcases various features and functionalities instrumental in efficient transportation management.

See it in action
Transport Management Dashboard

Features and Functionalities:

The Databrain sample dashboard boasts various features to enhance your experience and provide comprehensive insights. These features include:

1. Comprehensive Metrics: This offers you an overview of logistic income, distance, expenditure, cargo types, corresponding weight metrics, location traffic, and more for a thorough understanding.

2. Customizable Insights: This allows you to tailor the dashboard to your needs, emphasizing the metrics most relevant to your business.

3. Performance Analytics: Supplying visual representations of essential performance metrics, such as customer ratings and risk assessment, to enhance your clarity and understanding.

Interactive Template Usage:

Navigating the Databrain sample dashboard is a user-friendly experience. You can engage with different elements to enhance your comprehension of transportation data. Some interactive features include:

1. Drill-Down Capabilities: It allows you to delve into specific data points for detailed insights.

2. Filtering Options: This enables you to customize the dashboard view based on specific parameters, such as date ranges or geographical regions.

3. Comparative Analysis Tools: Supporting your comparison of various KPIs or performance metrics over time.

If you want to leverage TMS dashboard capabilities and build similar dashboards as illustrated above, sign up for an account at Databrain and connect your database to start building a customized TMS for your business. 

Sample Dashboard Highlights:

Here are a few metric examples from the Databrain dashboard from above. 

Monthly Performance:

Cost Trends: Monthly cost metrics provide a snapshot of the financial health of your transportation operations. Tracking cost fluctuations over different months helps identify patterns and potential areas for cost optimization.

Operational Patterns: Monthly distance metrics highlight the patterns of transportation activities over time, allowing you to discern seasonal variations or trends in demand.

Cost Metrics:

Monthly Expenditure: This metric provides a clear overview of the transportation cost incurred each month, facilitating budgetary planning and cost management.

Cost Distribution: Breakdowns of costs by category (fuel, labor, maintenance) within each month pinpoint specific areas where expenditures may be high, allowing for targeted cost-control measures.

Monthly Cargo Distribution:

Passenger Metrics: Monthly data on passenger metrics shed light on the transportation demand of individuals. Examining passenger trends over months helps understand peak periods and optimize services accordingly.

Goods Metrics: Tracking the weight of goods transported each month offers insights into the volume of cargo movement. It assists in identifying seasonal trends or shifts in demand for specific goods.

Liquid Metrics: Monthly liquid cargo data clarifies the transportation needs for fluids. It is crucial for industries such as chemical or beverage transportation.

Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making:

Cargo Type Trends: Monitoring passenger, goods, and liquid metrics trends over months yields valuable insights for adapting transportation strategies.

Decision-makers can allocate resources based on demand patterns.

Route Optimization: Understanding the weight distribution of different cargo types allows for effective route planning, minimizing fuel consumption, and ensuring safe transportation practices.


In summary, a TMS dashboard is an indispensable tool for businesses engaged in transportation management. 

Its ability to provide real-time visibility, support data-driven decision-making, and offer insights into supply chain dynamics makes it a cornerstone of operational excellence.

Emphasizing the significance of data-driven approaches in the transportation industry is crucial. As markets evolve and customer expectations rise, companies leveraging TMS dashboards gain a competitive edge. They respond swiftly to changes, optimize costs, and ensure the seamless flow of goods from point A to point B. Checkout Embedded Analytics for Transportation and Logistics

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